Archive for 2013
Operation Freight Bio: Shannon S.
Posted on April 25th, 2013I have been here at Boa for 9 weeks now and am a native Cali girl. I spend most of my free time with my 5-year-old son Samuel and my 13-year-old nephew Rodney. I love to take them to the beach, amusement parks, the zoo, circus, sports games, and so […]
Operation Bio: Meredith Siler
Posted on April 23rd, 2013Meredith Siler – Biography My passion in life is connections, whether it is with nature, animals or people I have always been intrigued by giving and receiving positive energy and vibes. I believe in Karma and following my roots. I come from a very loving family who has always brought […]
4 Ways to Increase Warehouse Efficiency by Brittany Richards of
Posted on March 25th, 20134 Ways to Increase Warehouse Efficiency A recent survey by Intermec reported that workforce inefficiencies account for nearly 3,000 lost hours each year. The survey also stated that 89 percent of the warehouses surveyed believe that investing in new technology would allow warehouse managers to recoup lost time and […]
Changes by Ron Ilano
Posted on March 14th, 2013The transportation business has been a constantly changing scene in the United States. Trends change as technology and infrastructure change, as well as changes in business models. As businesses have become more specialized, the need for transportation of goods has become a greater fixture of our economy and the back […]
Changes of Transportation by Ron Ilano
Posted on March 14th, 2013The transportation business has been a constantly changing scene in the United States. Trends change as technology and infrastructure change, as well as changes in business models. As businesses have become more specialized, the need for transportation of goods has become a greater fixture of our economy and the back […]
Height Does Matter by Pazong Yang
Posted on February 21st, 2013Height Does Matter, Whoever said Height does not matter is lying. Every little inch counts so attempting to squeeze or tilt a PALLET is not an option. The pallet will either fit or not fit into the trailer. If pallets are being double stack or tall I highly […]
Expedited. Time Critical VS Guaranteed by Bo Seriki
Posted on February 1st, 2013I never truly understood the difference between a guaranteed and expedited, or what some carriers consider a time critical shipment. One would think that the words would speak for themselves. Guaranteed is the assurance that certain conditions shall be fulfilled relating to a service or product. Expedited is to speed […]

“Why 3% of Harvard MBAs Make Ten Times as Much as the Other 97% Combined “
Posted on January 22nd, 2013Every year people start with their New Year’s Resolutions. It can be an exciting time. It can be a stressful time, especially when you have been used to that extra Holiday serving of dessert! With that being said we all have hopes of what may come in 2013. They say that […]