Archive for the ‘Carrier’ Category

Stop Chasing Giants. Start Helping Farmers! : A 7 tenet approach to growing revenues
Posted on February 24th, 2017It’s simple, if you want your business to grow you must have a strong sales platform. “Oh, but I am not good with Sales, I let my product speak for itself”… “That’s why I hired Johnny, he’s the most social and out-going friend I have”… “I get uncomfortable talking in […]
BOA’s 3rd Quarter 2016 Non- Profit Donation: Doctor’s Without Borders
Posted on October 28th, 2016In Quarter 3, BOA Logistics selected a very unique organization that has it’s connections with the world’s most important Humanitarian Issues. Doctor’s Without Borders works with Armed Conflict, Natural Disasters, Neglected Peoples and Refugees. BOA Logistics donated $4,170 to their cause because we believe that the biggest impact you […]
Bruce Lee and Quotes for Leadership in Business
Posted on October 17th, 2016I can’t believe that we may already experiencing a generation who does not know who Bruce Lee is. I guess I might be dating myself and all my other brethren and sistren in their mid to late 30’s..LOL. Bruce Lee was my childhood hero, I knew every movie that he […]
2nd Quarter Donation: Visiting the PCDA of Pasadena
Posted on September 27th, 2016In second quarter of 2016, BOA made their donation to a local non-profit organization named Professional Child Development Associates in Pasadena, CA. They offer a range of multidisciplinary screening, evaluation, therapy, and specialized services for children, birth through 21 years of age, and their families, when there are any concerns […]
Portuguese for Good: A 5th year Anniversary Celebration
Posted on January 27th, 2016January 25th, 2011 marks the first day that BOA Logistics became an LLC. More than five years ago Walter and I had an idea to strike it out on our own. Little did we know how much we had to learn without the training wheels. Thinking back on it now, […]

Visiting the Exceptional Children’s Foundation by Ruby Rodriguez
Posted on October 29th, 2015Visiting the Exceptional Children’s foundation in Culver City this month was a truly notable and very humbling experience. BOA donates proceeds of every quarter’s profits to a local charity we resonate with. This quarter we had the privilege of working with the Exceptional Children’s Foundation. The ECF works with tons […]
“Keep Them Coming Back” by Bo Seriki, a BOA Quality Assurance Specialist
Posted on September 21st, 2015What do we do as brokers when a client calls saying they need a dedicated trailer heading into Chicago, IL? We become DJ’s looking for the finest records at the best prices possible with minimum to no wear and tear. Of course the Vinyl I speak of would be […]
Female Truck Driver Talks Safety to Change the Negative Image of Truckers by Maya Sieber
Posted on November 7th, 2014Here’s my contribution to changing the trucker’s negative image. I am a 26 year old female truck driver. Two years ago I made my dream of driving an 18 wheeler a reality. I can remember as early as the age of 5 that one day I will be sitting behind […]
Boa’s Core Competencies- A Work in progress, always :)
Posted on July 18th, 2014Hi Everyone, This has been a work in construction over the past year but we feel that this is the right time and right path for BOA to be on. Without making our ideas tangible and for what we stand for we will all be just reacting to situations. […]
Does Workplace Attire affect Work Productivity? by Matt Mugar
Posted on May 7th, 2014I recently read a nice online blog on the subject above ( please see link below) , and it got me thinking. In the times of young forward thinking offices of Yahoo, Google, Facebook, you find that they are changing the old paradigm of work spaces. A lot of the […]