Archive for the ‘Claims’ Category
Bruce Lee and Quotes for Leadership in Business
Posted on October 17th, 2016I can’t believe that we may already experiencing a generation who does not know who Bruce Lee is. I guess I might be dating myself and all my other brethren and sistren in their mid to late 30’s..LOL. Bruce Lee was my childhood hero, I knew every movie that he […]
2nd Quarter Donation: Visiting the PCDA of Pasadena
Posted on September 27th, 2016In second quarter of 2016, BOA made their donation to a local non-profit organization named Professional Child Development Associates in Pasadena, CA. They offer a range of multidisciplinary screening, evaluation, therapy, and specialized services for children, birth through 21 years of age, and their families, when there are any concerns […]
“Keep Them Coming Back” by Bo Seriki, a BOA Quality Assurance Specialist
Posted on September 21st, 2015What do we do as brokers when a client calls saying they need a dedicated trailer heading into Chicago, IL? We become DJ’s looking for the finest records at the best prices possible with minimum to no wear and tear. Of course the Vinyl I speak of would be […]
Do’s for Residential Shipping & Receiving by Ruby Rodriguez
Posted on August 11th, 2015Do’s for Residential Shipping & Receiving We know that shipping and receiving freight can be a tedious process, especially with Residential parameters but it doesn’t have to be. Here’s a comprehensive guide for the do’s of residential shipping and receiving to make it easier: ***DO: For pickups from your residence […]
Female Truck Driver Talks Safety to Change the Negative Image of Truckers by Maya Sieber
Posted on November 7th, 2014Here’s my contribution to changing the trucker’s negative image. I am a 26 year old female truck driver. Two years ago I made my dream of driving an 18 wheeler a reality. I can remember as early as the age of 5 that one day I will be sitting behind […]
Boa’s Core Competencies- A Work in progress, always :)
Posted on July 18th, 2014Hi Everyone, This has been a work in construction over the past year but we feel that this is the right time and right path for BOA to be on. Without making our ideas tangible and for what we stand for we will all be just reacting to situations. […]

4 Senses of BOA
Posted on October 29th, 2012When I was out of town I was thinking of what makes us different from other companies in this industry. The truth is we offer the same options as the other competitors but separate ourselves based on our emerging company culture and the service we provide to our clients. I […]
This is what happens when Freight Brokers choose an unqualified carrier
Posted on March 26th, 2012This is an unfortunate story where a broker hires a carrier, who then brokered it to another driver who was unqualified. This particular load resulted in a death of another driver. The settlement went AGAINST the broker for negligently hiring a carrier who was not qualified to move freight. This is […]

Four Responsibilities of a Good Freight Broker
Posted on February 15th, 2012There are a staggering amount of Third Party Logistics and freight brokers in the domestic United States. Last we checked there were over 16,000 freight brokers in the continental U.S. They range from a wide variety of people, from stay-at-home parents working part time, the small broker or brokerage house who […]

Delivering Happiness Through BOA
Posted on December 30th, 2011How does the the billion dollar shoe company Zappos have anything in common with BOA Logistics? I’ll try and tell you with another story… Earlier this year I joined a local crossfit gym here in Los Angeles called Dogtown crossfit. They advised me that the shoes that I needed […]