Archive for the ‘Drayage’ Category

Best Practices for Short Hold Warehouse Operations
Posted on March 28th, 2019With limited space available for “Short Hold” freight, being stored for short periods at a time, it is important to be efficient in utilizing that time and space. Require carrier appointments to minimize surprises and plan the docks accordingly. Re-slot positions as necessary to reduce time spent looking for freight […]

Proper Transport of Fresh Produce: Sanitation
Posted on March 22nd, 2019Proper transport of fresh produce from farm to market reduces the potential for microbial contamination. Within the transportation chain, it is the responsibility of all parties involved to communicate and maintain the quality and safety of the produce while in transit. Cross-Contamination Every time a product gets moved, there is […]

Mixing Produce in Reefer LTL: Factors to Consider
Posted on February 21st, 2019What else needs to be considered in transporting product other than proper temperature management? A major factor to consider is having a truck with a mixed load of produce that affect each others aromas and flavors. The perfect storm is brewing if the carrier is unaware of the nuances of […]

Chinese New Year and Inventory Planning
Posted on February 5th, 2019The year of the pig and final year in the 12 year cycle. Folklore has it that those born in the the year of the pig are destined for wealth and good fortune. Why are we getting into the Chinese Zodiac and the Lunar New Year? Businesses run into the […]

Maintaining Proper Transit Temperatures: Produce
Posted on February 1st, 2019Shelf life, shelf life, shelf life! Produce has an interesting mix of factors to consider before mapping out a truck, especially if there will be different types of produce in the same load. Even though transportation takes only a few days of shelf life of produce that could be a […]

What is Demurrage?
Posted on November 9th, 2018Your container gets to port, and something went wrong in the planning to pick it up. Today is going to be the last free day. What does this mean? The “last free day” is the last day of a period of free storage time at the port without paying demurrage. […]

IMO Sulfur 2020 – How This Affects Your Ocean Cargo
Posted on November 2nd, 2018The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has a new mandate under the Emission Control Area regulations. All merchant vessels are required to reduce their sulfur emissions to 0.5% from 3.5% by 2020. This is a drastic change in emissions, and carriers will need to upgrade their vessels and/or their fuel to […]

Country of Origin Labeling Requirements
Posted on October 19th, 2018Imported products are required to be marked with their country of origin. Countries of origin are where products were manufactured, produced or grown. This is necessary as a Customs requirement to keep the process efficient, since it makes it obvious if a good can legally be imported. It also provides […]

What is Transloading?
Posted on October 12th, 2018Transloading has become an increasingly common way to ship goods in recent years, thanks to increased international trade and growth of online commerce. If a shipment is traveling a long way from the port to the final destination by truck, the shipment will likely go to a warehouse, and transload […]

How Hurricanes Affect Your Freight
Posted on October 10th, 2018With today’s sophisticated technologies to better anticipate storms and hurricanes, we are better prepared than ever to handle this type of natural disaster. Since we have some predictability, organizations can plan ahead to send extra essentials and supplies to hold over until the storm passes. Photo: October […]