Archive for the ‘Freight’ Category
Operation Freight Bio: Bo Seriki
Posted on May 21st, 2013Let me start by saying I’m a pretty private person when it comes to my life. I don’t know why, I just am. I had a friend who had no idea we were in the same field of work before I came to BOA. He was mad at me for […]
Operation Freight Bio: Ron Ilano
Posted on May 21st, 2013Finding myself in the world of freight was not something I ever pictured growing up. I never even thought there was a business there to get in to. I grew up playing with my trucks and trains, the yellow metal Tonka trucks, a lot of them construction trucks, but one […]
Operation Bio: Meredith Siler
Posted on April 23rd, 2013Meredith Siler – Biography My passion in life is connections, whether it is with nature, animals or people I have always been intrigued by giving and receiving positive energy and vibes. I believe in Karma and following my roots. I come from a very loving family who has always brought […]
Changes of Transportation by Ron Ilano
Posted on March 14th, 2013The transportation business has been a constantly changing scene in the United States. Trends change as technology and infrastructure change, as well as changes in business models. As businesses have become more specialized, the need for transportation of goods has become a greater fixture of our economy and the back […]
An interesting look into one of Amazon’s fulfillment warehouses (taken from
Posted on December 11th, 2012Though corporate warehouses aren’t the usual fodder for a blog like ours we just had to stop for a second and take in what we are seeing here. The insides of the belly of the world’s most popular commerce site. It is like something you aren’t supposed to see but […]
Greener Fleet and Higher Delivery Rates by Bo Seriki
Posted on November 8th, 2012Greener Fleet and higher delivery rates? I sure think so. When I began my career in this industry I wore many hats. I would tamper with sales and whatever would be associated with operations. Things such as quoting,dispatching and quality assurance. As I continued to grow in this world of […]

4 Senses of BOA
Posted on October 29th, 2012When I was out of town I was thinking of what makes us different from other companies in this industry. The truth is we offer the same options as the other competitors but separate ourselves based on our emerging company culture and the service we provide to our clients. I […]

Trickle down effect of rising fuel and effects in our economy
Posted on October 8th, 2012“How Rising Fuel Prices Impact Everything” Koploy, Michael.”How Rising Fuel Prices Impact Everything”. 08 June 2011. The Utopianis. Many consumers feel the pain at the pump. What many don’t realize is the effect escalating gas prices have on every other aspect of our lives, from transportation to raw material costs. […]
This is what happens when Freight Brokers choose an unqualified carrier
Posted on March 26th, 2012This is an unfortunate story where a broker hires a carrier, who then brokered it to another driver who was unqualified. This particular load resulted in a death of another driver. The settlement went AGAINST the broker for negligently hiring a carrier who was not qualified to move freight. This is […]
Logistics Bridges the Gap
Posted on March 5th, 2012Logistics seems to be a hot word in business now days… “Logistics seems to be a hot word in business now days, “Looking for some good economic news? How about this: hiring for jobs in logistics and the supply chain is taking off. According to Wanted Analytics, over 49,000 supply […]