Using a form of communication that has become less and less common, may be one of the most powerful ways to impress a prospect and a current customer. The handwritten “Thank You” note.
Outdated? We don’t think so.
A handwritten thank you note sends a powerful message because you have gone out of your way to personally thank them with a pen. The recipient will know you took that extra time just for him or her. In a world filled with quick email acknowledgements, getting one of these in the mail is certainly refreshing. Thank you notes don’t take that long to write! Keep it simple.
How important is it to do this? People just don’t realize the kind of message it sends, probably because they haven’t received a personalized, hand-written note themselves for so long. Do this for your larger accounts or loyal clients to start, and see how they respond.

Standing Out from the Competition
Delivering Happiness Through BOA is a perfect example of how personalized thank you notes had really won over one of our co-founders, and gave the vision of the kind of service we wanted to bring in the world of logistics. Very few people today send hand written thank you notes, which means, when you send one out, it likely wouldn’t just go into a pile of junk mail. If it were a generic printed thank you note, maybe, but we are talking about actually hand writing a note – with your hand!
Just send an email, it’s easier.
Easy or lazy? Sending information through email is great, but keep in mind that if you are soliciting a service or product, more than 90% of the time, this email will go unread and/or deleted. There is nothing wrong with sending an email AND materials through regular mail, as long as this prospect is genuinely interested in what you are offering.
Make it easy – Get a pen, some “Thank You” cards, a sheet of stamps, set aside a few minutes per day to do them and mail them out!
Thank you notes show that you actually care about your client for doing business with you, and you are going the extra mile to personally thank them. Going the extra mile is not an option here at BOA, it’s a requirement! There is no client too big or too small to go the extra mile for. If not with a thank you note (yet), we definitely put in the work to move your freight as scheduled, and doing all we can to bring the best service in the industry.