


From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank each and everyone of you. For my old clients, thank you for giving me the chance to work with you and develop our relationships. Thank you for staying with me during the good times. Thank you even more for staying with me when things got tough, and thank you for giving me the opportunity to make things right when I could. This is what business is about, relationships. I thank God everyday that I can wake up to this and do my work with you all. As sappy as it sounds, it is true.

To all my new clients, I hope to prove the quality of our relationship. Thank you for the opportunity to work with you this year. I know there are many options out there and it means a lot to be considered. I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving and an exciting Black Friday.

P.S. Be on the look out, BOA is working on a big project to help local schools with a large donation from one of our clients, and handle the transportation with a partnership with one of our local carriers. AND we are planning on a possible Hurricane Sandy relief shipment that we would like to involve our clients with. At this point they are in need of Diapers, Baby Forumula….etc. I will let you know the plans as soon as they are hatched. If you would like to be involved please let me know. Thank you.


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